Useful Links
The Chifundo Epilepsy Foundation Malawi
The Chifundo Epilepsy Foundation Malawi was founded by CEO Chifundo Petro to assist the people in Malawi suffering Epilepsy PLUS raise awareness of issues in the African region relating to the condition. Read more about their work from here
NICE Guidelines: Suspected neurological conditions: recognition and referral
NICE guideline [NG127] This guideline covers the initial assessment of symptoms& signs that might indicate a neurological condition. It helps non-specialist healthcare professionals to identify people who should be offered referral for specialist investigation. To access the guidelines click here.
NICE Quality Statements: Suspected neurological conditions: recognition and referral
Statement 1 Children under 12 years with headache and ‘red flag’ symptoms are referred immediately for neurological assessment.
Statement 2 Children under 4 years with suspected abnormal head size or shape have their head circumference assessed using a standardised growth chart.
Statement 3 Adults with suspected dystonia are referred for neurological assessment.
Statement 4 Adults with transient rotational vertigo on head movement are assessed using the Hallpike manoeuvre.
Statement 5 Adults diagnosed with a functional neurological disorder are supported to manage symptoms that are a part of the disorder in non-specialist care.
Statement 6 Adults with suspected neurological conditions using NHS services experience care and treatment that is tailored to their needs and preferences.

Muscular Dystrophy UK’s Health Professionals Network
Muscular Dystrophy UK’s Health Professionals Network is here to support professionals caring for someone living with a muscle-wasting condition. The network offer education resources for various professionals including GPs, OTs and Physios. You can access these resources from here.

SUDEP Action
SUDEP Action is the only UK charity specialised in supporting & involving people bereaved by epilepsy. We are dedicated to raising awareness of epilepsy risks and tackling epilepsy deaths, including Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP). Click here for our general leaflet. We also have a well-established track record ofdelivering training on SUDEP Awareness to GPs, nurses, pathologists and professional carers. We provide a number of free tools for Clinicians who support people with epilepsy such as our award-winning SUDEP & Seizure Safety Checklist, and the patient app EpSMon.

Lewy Body Society
Our purpose is to fund research into Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB). We also hope to provide a community focus for those who suffer from DLB along with their carers and families.
Different Strokes
Different Strokes is run by younger stroke survivors for younger stroke survivors. We have personal experience of the realities of life after stroke.
We recognise that the Different Strokes community of younger stroke survivors and family members are the experts in stroke recovery and rehabilitation with first-hand knowledge of the issues and challenges facing families after stroke.

Parkinson’s UK Excellence Network
The UK Parkinson’s Excellence Network brings together health and social care professionals to transform care for people affected by Parkinson’s. Resources available from here
The Pain Web
A directory of websites for health professionals dealing in research, assessment and treatment of pain
The Commissioning Toolkit for Long Term Conditions.
This site brings together information and resources to help care professionals commission more effective patient-centered services
Epilepsy Sparks
Our mission and vision is to:
- Educate the public regarding epilepsy and the associated common mental health issues.
- Make learning about epilepsy interesting and exciting!
- Reduce the feelings of loneliness and shame felt by many affected by epilepsy
- Reduce discrimination faced by many people regarding epilepsy
- Narrow the communication gap between neurologists, scientists, researchers, and those affected by epilepsy
This website is about symptoms which are neurological, REAL (and not imagined) and due to a problem with the functioning of the nervous system and not due to any identifiable neurological disease.

Learning about Intellectual Disabilities and Health – Epilepsy
Web-based learning resource for medical and health care students and practitioners.

Mental Health Report – Promoting mental health and well-being in later life
This report presents the findings and recommendations from the final stage of the Inquiry’s work, which has focused on mental health promotion in later life.

Medway Neurological Network
We are an umbrella Community Group for the neurological charities/ support groups active in Medway, Kent, UK.
The Network is actively developing creative ideas to support people living with neurological conditions and this includes their neurocafe, which you can learn about from here.

Neuroeducation Website
This website aims to enhance the management of neurological conditions in the community by providing high quality educational opportunities and completing high quality research.

Pain Talk Website
The national discussion forum and community for UK healthcare professionals with an interest in acute, chronic or palliative pain management.

MSc in Professional Practice (Stroke)
The Master of Science in Professional Practice (Stroke Care) programme offers a range of courses to support clinicians in providing effective and appropriate stroke care and services. This course meets a need for stroke-specific education identified by stroke clinicians.

Atlas of MS Database
The Atlas of MS database currently contains information and data from 60 countries.

UK MS Specialist Nurse Association
The UK MS Specialist Nurse Association is the professional organisation for MS Specialist Nurses and other health and social care professionals with an interest in MS.

The National Society for Epilepsy
The National Society for Epilepsy’s mission is to enhance the quality of life of people affected by epilepsy, by promoting research, education and public awareness and by delivering specialist medical care and support services.

The Huntington’s Disease Association
The HDA supports people with Huntington’s disease, their friends and family and also the professionals who work with them.

Therapists in MS
Therapists in MS is an initiative which brings together allied health professionals who share a special interest in Multiple Sclerosis.

Tourettes Action
Tourettes Action is a charity devoted to people with Tourettes Syndrome and their families

Transverse Myelitis Society
The Transverse Myelitis Society supports people living with Transverse Myelitis (TM), Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM), and Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO), and their carers/family. Also see the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital link at the bottom of this page for an additional resource

Spinal Cord Injury-Medical Management
Comprehensive resource to support the medical management of SCI

US Neuro-anatomy resource
A collection of learning resources collated from the US to support medical assistants. Resources include videos, articles and slide shows

Hypnotherapy Directory – focus on pain
Hypnotherapy Directory was set up by a team who know how difficult it can be to find the support you need when tackling a personal problem. Through their own experiences, the learnt just how important it is to find relevant information to help people to navigate their options.
Other Useful Links
NICE Guideline – Suspected Neurological Conditions
Making the Move to Assisted Living
Senior Health Resources
Resources for Aging in Place
Moving Tips for Seniors
Guide to Senior Nutrition
Financial Resources for Seniors
Veterans Benefits for Seniors
Legal Planning for Alzheimer’s and Dementia
NICE Guideline – Dravet syndrome – cannabidiol [ID1211]
NICE Guideline – Lennox-Gastaut syndrome – cannabidiol [ID1308]
Occupational therapy for people with Parkinson’s